For personal trainers looking to hit $8,400+ in monthly income...

The Active Life Professional (AL-P) mentorship has helped thousands of professionals.

It might be for you too if:

  • You're good at what you do, yet you keep wondering if you can actually make a career out of it.

  • Marketing feels like a foreign language, and even though you know you should be charging more, you're unsure how to attract clients who will actually pay for it.

  • You know coaching can be more than just making people sore, tired and sweaty... you can change lives.

  • You're considering different certifications to "differentiate" your coaching, even though your biggest goal right now is just to make more money, and none of those certifications are built to do that.

  • You feel like you're on an island and want a community of like-minded professionals who will help you grow and hold you accountable, but you're not sure where to find them.

If that's you, we've got good news...

You're SO close to breaking through to the career you've always wanted.

👇 AL-P is here to help you do it 👇

  • STEP ONE: Watch this training about how coaches should make AT MINIMUM $75k/ year working 25 hours per week or less.

(🔈Make sure to turn on the sound 🔈)

👇 If AL-P sounds like the type of thing you're looking for, keep going...👇

  • STEP TWO: Watch this video showing the exact types of clients we'd help you attract, enroll and work with

  • STEP THREE: Book a discovery call to see if you're a good fit!

(These 15-minute calls are to see if AL-P might be a good fit for you or not. If it is a fit, our team will help you get started with the next steps in the application process. If it isn't a fit, they will let you know that too and point you in the direction of someone better suited to help with your specific goals)